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Scoreville Editor being funky?

Posted: Wed 13. Apr 2016, 07:07
by makz
Okay, so apparently there is either something I don't understand or the editor is trolling me for the lolz. My entire game is on my external HDD, however when I make edits on girlpacks and then save them, space is being taken from my C: If I don't have enough space on it, which I don't anymore, it says there is not enough disk space and closes.

Lol whut? I have no idea why that is. Can anyone help me please?

Re: Scoreville Editor being funky?

Posted: Wed 13. Apr 2016, 15:20
by ok666
Well, the editor needs space in your designated temp directory. While saveing a girlpack either the individual movie files or the girlpack itself is/are the source, the target is a temporary copy. After finishing the saving process the temp file is moved to the filename you specified.

Please change your system settings like so: ... 818?auth=1

Re: Scoreville Editor being funky?

Posted: Thu 14. Apr 2016, 04:57
by ok666
FYI: We are considering changes.

Re: Scoreville Editor being funky?

Posted: Sat 23. Apr 2016, 14:20
by ok666
A little progress update:

I changed the default saving behavior to creating the temporary girlpack copy on the target drive, it will be renamed after saving is successfully done. This way you will no longer get an out-of-disk-space error. Although this is now a safe operation for most users, keep in mind that it will be slower. Since reading from the source (girlpack or movie files) and writing to the temporary target (girlpack) will now mostly happen on the same disk, the heads on classical harddrives will move back and forth.

That's why I made it optional, there will be an option to switch back to the old variant: Create the temporary copy in the designated temp path. Take my setup for example: Girlpacks reside on an external harddrive, my OS with its temp path is on a very fast SSD. Reading and writing take place on two separate drives, there is only one additional copy operation en-block from the temp path to the target after creating the new girlpack.