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Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 9. Mar 2016, 15:52
by Jiggle
Hello guys,

First I have a bug to report with Yosh 23girls twogirlspack :

When I go to the VIP Bordello some of the scenes aren't working. Mostly the scene with Caprice Jane (threesome scenes). No video is playing, I can only click the positions and the arousal goes up until I can finish the video, but still no animation.
When I play them from the mansion through the "call a whore" function it works perfectly. Any ideas how come I have this problem ?

And also a question about Yosh's girlpacks. Is that normal that I can't edit them ?
Not that I don't like them (quite the contrary :prost: ) but I wanted to remove one or two girls from the 23 girlspacks because I'm only interested in Caprice and I don't have a lot of free space on my disk. But when I try to save the pack after editing the access is refused. I have the same thing with Caprice Jane solo pack and with Peta Jensen's pack. Even if I do small edits like changing the girls picture.

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 9. Mar 2016, 16:16
by yoSh

i already encounter that too, on some 'old pack created'
it seem, you could have 'one position' bugged

if you try .. to edit one 'scene ==> clic on the first positions, it won't read it
You could think the position is bugged and 'lost' but...
I have debug some pack with
==> Close the girlpack when you have found one position that dont play anymore
==> reopen it , and for more protection "Save the selected Scene" first, then EXTRACT the scene ( you'll have all position extract in \\ScoreVille\ExtractedScenes")

Now ! you can delete this scene from the pack. If it was the only 'buggy' one, you could SAVE the girlpack with no error.
Reopen it, and LOAD the previous 'saved Scene'

if for some reason, You cant play a "position" after you have LOAD the scene, you 'll have to edit the position and " BROWSE to the correct \\ScoreVille\ExtractedScenes\POSITION_FILES"
it should replace the buggy one.

i just try to edit my "23girlspack", and got no error with it.... may be i had already debug it :(
i remember to have done this many time after fixing many "PHOTO size too large"
Just like you, a small edit, But the pack dont want to save at all :(

if you want , i 'll upload it on mega, could save you some precious time, since there's many scene in this one :(
(Upload in progress 1hour30 ETA.... upload is slow as fuck on Mega )

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 9. Mar 2016, 16:27
by yoSh
or at least , if you find a buggy "Scene" with position that wont play
tell me which scene, i'll upload them on Mega, so you'll be able to delete and add them again (Editing huge pack , will need same Freespace on your hardrive as the pack, could be a trouble for Peta Jensen's one ;) )

you could have more than one Scene buggy on a pack ...
i had edit some old pack (not mine this time), always to fix some "missing description" and too large picture
And i wasnt able to save anything ..
The SAVE Scene ==> DELETE ==> save pack ! , REOPEN=> Import have work everytime, i havent loose anything but time :bloed:

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 9. Mar 2016, 16:30
by Jiggle
Oh I see. Thanks for the answer and for reuploading the pack it helps a lot ! :)

I'll try to debug the other packs later, I don't really need it for the moment. I just want to delete some sidegirls from the 23twogirlspack for the moment, I'll see later.

Thanks :prost:

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 9. Mar 2016, 17:04
by ok666
Jiggle wrote:When I go to the VIP Bordello some of the scenes aren't working. Mostly the scene with Caprice Jane (threesome scenes). No video is playing, I can only click the positions and the arousal goes up until I can finish the video, but still no animation.
When I play them from the mansion through the "call a whore" function it works perfectly. Any ideas how come I have this problem ?
This is actually a bug in the current version: In VIP Bordello, if the selected girl is the second girl in the scene, no videos will play. Already fixed some weeks ago, will be part of the next release.

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Thu 10. Mar 2016, 03:25
by yoSh
here is the link for the Caprice Jane'two girls pack (AKA 23girlspack) ==> 23girlspack
Here is the link for the solo CapriceJane pack ==> Caprice Jane

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Thu 10. Mar 2016, 13:21
by Jiggle
Thanks a lot for the reuploaded packs :respekt: :prost:

This is actually a bug in the current version: In VIP Bordello, if the selected girl is the second girl in the scene, no videos will play. Already fixed some weeks ago, will be part of the next release.
Yeah right I remember reading something about it, hadn't play for a long time so it was the first time I tried a 3some in VIPbordello. I'll wait for the next release then. :)

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Thu 10. Mar 2016, 16:53
by ok666
This is hopefully the last place threesomes are problematic. All the over special controls (phonebook, stripclub, ...) already search for the threesome scene with the movie data, which is only part of the first girl.

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2016, 07:51
by Karskcorps
hi all

i noticed when vids are MKV or MP4 they don't work in the game (like in the 23girlpack). is there an option to set up ? i have the latest VLC player so i doubt it come from here

thanks :)

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2016, 16:59
by ok666
Please check if you still have a VLC sub-folder in the game directory. If yes, rename or delete it, this is an old version.

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2016, 18:50
by Karskcorps
i already checked and i don't have the VLC sub folder :(

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2016, 19:15
by ok666
Hmm. What's your version of VLC?

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2016, 19:22
by Karskcorps
i have the 2.2.1 (weatherwax)

most of video work well, it's only when it's MP4 or MKV one that doesn't works :(

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2016, 19:26
by ok666
That's the same VLC version I use. And the videos work...

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 16. Mar 2016, 07:50
by Karskcorps
i have this problem with :

Peta jensen pack

ingame i just have the red curtain and it's the same when i try to look vid in the girleditor. i have sound but not image :?

when i try to launch a MKV or MP4 file with vlc (any other file like a movie) it works

that's really weird .... :head:

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 16. Mar 2016, 08:08
by Jiggle
Those videos are encoded in 265 which requires more ressources from your computer. If you're computer isn't very powerful it might come from that.

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 16. Mar 2016, 16:06
by Karskcorps
don't think it's because of my computer, it's a powerful one :)

i tried to reinstall scoreville but it change nothing

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 16. Mar 2016, 16:39
by ok666
3 things to check, we already crossed 2 off:
  • No VLC sub-folder in game directory
  • 32bit version of VLC needed
  • Newer/newest VLC needed, but be warned, version 2.2.2 has problems of its own on some computers (stuttering/tearing, not related to Scoreville)
You can also enable VLC logging in the game (misc tab, game restart required), maybe the created text file will give you some clues.

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 16. Mar 2016, 16:58
by Karskcorps
i uninstalled vlc and reinstalled the 2.2.2 one and now it works :)

so i dunno why the 2.2.1 didn't worked but well, that's all good now :) thanks for your help :) :respekt:

Re: Bug and questions with Yosh's girlpacks

Posted: Wed 16. Mar 2016, 17:07
by ok666
Karskcorps wrote:so i dunno why the 2.2.1 didn't worked
Could be broken registry entries, which were corrected during re-install. If the sub-folder doesn't exist (with the very old VLC), we are parsing some registry keys to find the VLC installation.