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Give the first girl more precedence over the second girl

Posted: Mon 1. Feb 2016, 08:04
by 4me4u
Give the first girl more precedence over the second girl.
Because as it is now, I get the second girl a lot more at many locations than the first one and thereby that scene gets merely impossible to play

I give you an example:

Let's say that I have 10+ scenes with the first girl, and a bunch of two girls scenes with chicks that only appear in those particular scenes. Let's then say that those scenes demands a relationship level of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 to be played.

Then the only way to play them would be through the phone book, which seems like a stupid idea. Or chat with the second girl until she reaches a high enough level, which seems nearly impossible in some cases.

Have also noticed that a lot of girls gets the same scene all the time, even if I have the right to play many/all of her home-scenes. A bit more random would be prefered if they not have a certain special location attached to the home-scene


Also, when I try to play a scene at the stripclubs, all the buttons dissapears when i start the show and a error message pops up, so if I have more than one position, then those will will not be possible to reach. The first location I choose still plays though.

Delete previous scene doesen't work in the dream-sequense in the editor/game.

The bug I reported here has not beeen corrected. Buttons at the burglar/police station is still clickable, even if they are red.


Otherwise I really like the new additions with all the rooms and all.
Keep it up.

Re: Give the first girl more precedence over the second girl

Posted: Mon 1. Feb 2016, 16:44
by ok666
I think you stumbled about the paradox that if a girl has more scenes, you will see her less. This is a by-product of the girl simulation, the more possibilities there are for a girl to appear, the more she will switch activities between work/fun/relaxation/sleep. Since I opened up the appearance of the (formerly) second girl you should have more access to the threesome scenes. Depending on the percentage you entered in the options, though.

Randomness of scenes is only ensured if you play long enough without exiting. The game will keep track of each scene per location.

As to your problems in the stripclub, I would like a snippet of your log file containing the error message together with the code lines leading to the error. If the buttons disappear you should check the pack in the editor, maybe the girl arousal is set to 100 for each position?

The dream girl has its own code. Since you can dream about everything you can "go back".

Re: Give the first girl more precedence over the second girl

Posted: Mon 1. Feb 2016, 19:43
by 4me4u

Seems like that's the scenario. "that if a girl has more scenes you will see her less" I guess that's why I constantly get the second girl instead of the first one in more or less every location. Since they only have one, or very few scenes.
Although it's too bad when you have some favorite girls and loading up on scenes for them. And it doesn't help of making the two-girl scenes more accessible if the scene demands a higher relationship rating either.

I guess I then will have to lower the relationship level to make many of the two girl-scenes more accessible. And maybe also lower the percentage of the same, so the (girls that's only there for the ride) don't pop up all the time.

I thought I played the game long enough numerous times, without the girls swapping locations, but maybe I've been too impatient? Thanks for the up.

And yes, I haven't bothered with changing the arousal for the strip-scenes. Has never been a necessary in the past. But I will correct it now.

Okay about the dream-scenario then.

Re: Give the first girl more precedence over the second girl

Posted: Tue 2. Feb 2016, 18:49
by ok666
4me4u wrote:The bug I reported here has not beeen corrected. Buttons at the burglar/police station is still clickable, even if they are red.