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Some minor bugs

Posted: Mon 15. Jun 2015, 21:10
by 4me4u
. When I flirt I sometimes get a two-girl flirt scenario when there is none. The girl i flirt with just get some girl that are connected to another girl from the same location. Only on the flirt screen though, not when the sex starts. Then it's only the girl in question. And that mostly happens when there is a "flip-menu" for the girls, as at the pool, beach, office, etc... (I think it's from the girl closest back in the flip-menu, but I'm not sure?) It's just mainly annoying when flirting when it happens.

. On the Statistic menu, it says "never" on the "Last flight into vacation" line, even though I've been to many vacations, both summer and winter.

. And I seem to not be able to work as a photographer on the weekend (sat-sun). No time elapse, and I just gets moved out to the city map every time. (maybe even from Friday?)

Some suggestions as well:

. Disable Holiday Bar & Holiday Nightclub from the "event club" to make it a bit more realistic, so those locations only work when you're on vacation.

. And I have a feeling the "accessories" only work on the first flirt or sex-scene when you have put them on. After that you need to dress up again. If so, then maybe you could make the accessories stay on until you have had your next sleep, so you don't need to dress up all the time between the flirt/sex. But If I'm wrong, forget what I said.

Otherwise, keep up the good work... :super:

Re: Some minor bugs

Posted: Tue 16. Jun 2015, 05:55
by ok666
4me4u wrote:. When I flirt I sometimes get a two-girl flirt scenario when there is none. The girl i flirt with just get some girl that are connected to another girl from the same location. Only on the flirt screen though, not when the sex starts. Then it's only the girl in question. And that mostly happens when there is a "flip-menu" for the girls, as at the pool, beach, office, etc... (I think it's from the girl closest back in the flip-menu, but I'm not sure?) It's just mainly annoying when flirting when it happens.
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. I did the following steps, but everything worked as expected:
  • Go to gym, choose 2 girls with a threesome scene
  • Sex with both of them
  • Go to casino, choose 1 girl
  • Flirt with that girl, no second girl from the threesome scene
4me4u wrote:And I have a feeling the "accessories" only work on the first flirt or sex-scene when you have put them on. After that you need to dress up again. If so, then maybe you could make the accessories stay on until you have had your next sleep, so you don't need to dress up all the time between the flirt/sex. But If I'm wrong, forget what I said.
This is by design: Usually you undress during sex, so you have to put on some clothes afterwards. Same goes for aftershave, it is assumed you shower after sex.

Re: Some minor bugs

Posted: Tue 16. Jun 2015, 14:08
by 4me4u
ok666 wrote: I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. I did the following steps, but everything worked as expected:
  • Go to gym, choose 2 girls with a threesome scene
  • Sex with both of them
  • Go to casino, choose 1 girl
  • Flirt with that girl, no second girl from the threesome scene
No I meant that I get a two-girl flirt even when the girl I flirt with is alone sometimes. The second girl should not be in the flirt-scenario, and is connected to another "first girl" from that location. It happens from time to time, dunno why...? But when the sex-scene starts the girl is alone. (But It could just be some bug in my girl-packs as well, since I never seen anyone else mentioned it earlier and I've had this issue for a while. But as I said as well, that scenario only appears at times)
ok666 wrote:This is by design: Usually you undress during sex, so you have to put on some clothes afterwards. Same goes for aftershave, it is assumed you shower after sex.
Yeah, obviously, that's logic. It was rather sloppy explained by me. What I meant was that it felt that it was enough to just flirt with some girl too have the "power" of the accessories to disappear, and I had to dress up all over again to regain the extra boost. Cause if I had a second flirt right after, it usually demanded more from me. But if I'm wrong and the suit & clock stays on until I have sex or go to sleep from the moment i dressed up the first time, then all is good.

Re: Some minor bugs

Posted: Tue 16. Jun 2015, 17:31
by ok666
4me4u wrote:No I meant that I get a two-girl flirt even when the girl I flirt with is alone sometimes. The second girl should not be in the flirt-scenario, and is connected to another "first girl" from that location. It happens from time to time, dunno why...? But when the sex-scene starts the girl is alone. (But It could just be some bug in my girl-packs as well, since I never seen anyone else mentioned it earlier and I've had this issue for a while. But as I said as well, that scenario only appears at times)
Could you please check this out the next time it appears? Are the two girls both in a threesome pack? The second girl should only appear if it is the partner girl of the first one, depending on a threesome scene.

My line of thought was the following: Maybe the image of the second girl isn't correctly resetted after a threesome flirt, then a normal single girl/scene is started and you see the old image.
4me4u wrote:Yeah, obviously, that's logic. It was rather sloppy explained by me. What I meant was that it felt that it was enough to just flirt with some girl too have the "power" of the accessories to disappear, and I had to dress up all over again to regain the extra boost. Cause if I had a second flirt right after, it usually demanded more from me. But if I'm wrong and the suit & clock stays on until I have sex or go to sleep from the moment i dressed up the first time, then all is good.
Maybe you encountered the second end condition: Aftershave wears off on its own after 12 hours, so you have to apply some more.

Re: Some minor bugs

Posted: Tue 16. Jun 2015, 21:41
by 4me4u
ok666 wrote:Could you please check this out the next time it appears? Are the two girls both in a threesome pack? The second girl should only appear if it is the partner girl of the first one, depending on a threesome scene. My line of thought was the following: Maybe the image of the second girl isn't correctly resetted after a threesome flirt, then a normal single girl/scene is started and you see the old image.
I will try to take some screenshots when choosing between girls if the same scenario should appear again, and then also see of both the girls are in a two-girls pack or not, (maybe even the same one)
But I don't think it is an "old image" But who knows? I will check it out anyway. I get back to you...

ok666 wrote:Maybe you encountered the second end condition: Aftershave wears off on its own after 12 hours, so you have to apply some more.
Yeah, maybe that was it. At least I know now for sure that the accessories (clothes/watch) stays on until you have sex or next sleep, so that's just fine, and the way it should be.

Re: Some minor bugs

Posted: Wed 17. Jun 2015, 18:01
by ok666
4me4u wrote:And I seem to not be able to work as a photographer on the weekend (sat-sun). No time elapse, and I just gets moved out to the city map every time. (maybe even from Friday?)
I tested this and was able to work two times on saturday. Then I was thrown to the city screen, since it was 16:15 and adding 4 hours work time would end after the closing time of 20:00. On sunday the bullet on the city screen is grayed out, the photo studio is closed for that day.

Re: Some minor bugs

Posted: Thu 18. Jun 2015, 19:42
by 4me4u
ok666 wrote:I tested this and was able to work two times on saturday. Then I was thrown to the city screen, since it was 16:15 and adding 4 hours work time would end after the closing time of 20:00. On sunday the bullet on the city screen is grayed out, the photo studio is closed for that day.
Yeah sorry about that, should have looked closer to why it didn't worked and especially what time it was. My bad. :floet:

Think I solved the other strange problem I had with two-girls flirting aswell.
Problem (I think atleast?) was that I had two sub-folders in my "Girlpacks" folder named: America & Europe, since It then was easier to sort them out when the packs started to grow, cause I now have some 350+ girls. And it also helped when loading them in the "Lister" Since the Lister loads one folder before the next one. But apparently it fucked up my game. I should obviously have thought about that earlier, but it didn't crossed my mind at that time. If that is what was causing it that is, but I can't think of anything else. And now the sub-folders are deleted, so we'll see... :gruebel:

Re: Some minor bugs

Posted: Thu 18. Jun 2015, 19:45
by ok666
You can have as many sub-folders as you like, all files are treated equally and loaded in the same database. Both game and lister use the same load routine (collecting all files and compare them to the cache).

Re: Some minor bugs

Posted: Thu 18. Jun 2015, 21:24
by 4me4u
ok666 wrote:You can have as many sub-folders as you like, all files are treated equally and loaded in the same database. Both game and lister use the same load routine (collecting all files and compare them to the cache).

OK, well then I don't know what could have caused that abnormality to have occurred?
I just noticed that the Lister listed all the files in my "America folder" before all of the contents of the "Europe folder" So I thought that could have something to do with it, but apparently not then.

Oh well...