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Couple of bugs

Posted: Mon 1. Sep 2014, 20:26
by cheerynil
Hi, just registered to mention a couple of bugs I found.

First, when I go to relax in the harbor I get the following error message:

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name:source

The second problem I have is that now when the car is stolen, it doesn't seem to ever get found be the police. Also, when I click on 'Speak with officer' nothing at all happens. No more 'there is no news of your car'.

Thanks for all your work on the game.

Re: Couple of bugs

Posted: Tue 2. Sep 2014, 06:45
by tomcat0815
cheerynil wrote:Hi, just registered to mention a couple of bugs I found.

First, when I go to relax in the harbor I get the following error message:

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name:source
Please show us the GameLog. The "SV Gamelog.txt" found it in your document folder.
The second problem I have is that now when the car is stolen, it doesn't seem to ever get found be the police. Also, when I click on 'Speak with officer' nothing at all happens. No more 'there is no news of your car'.
You must wait until this message appears in your Home location: "Go to the police station. The officer has information about your stolen car."
The whole can take up to 10 days.

Re: Couple of bugs

Posted: Tue 2. Sep 2014, 07:44
by cheerynil
tomcat0815 wrote:Please show us the GameLog. The "SV Gamelog.txt" found it in your document folder..
I tried this, and the board told me that the extension txt is not allowed?

tomcat0815 wrote:You must wait until this message appears in your Home location: "Go to the police station. The officer has information about your stolen car."
The whole can take up to 10 days.
It's been at least 3 or 4 weeks with the rental car.

Re: Couple of bugs

Posted: Tue 2. Sep 2014, 09:06
by tomcat0815
cheerynil wrote:..
I tried this, and the board told me that the extension txt is not allowed?
Now it should work.
It's been at least 3 or 4 weeks with the rental car.
:gruebel: I've tried it myself dozens of times and had no errors. I don't know where to look there.

EDIT: Ok, i found something for stolen car.
Please use the new PlayerEditor and set the "StolenCar" to false and "Days if the police found the car" to 0. You found it under "Accident / Drunken".
Now i hope, you can buy a new car in cardealer.
Sorry, there is no other way.

Re: Couple of bugs

Posted: Tue 2. Sep 2014, 16:21
by cheerynil
tomcat0815 wrote:
cheerynil wrote:..
I tried this, and the board told me that the extension txt is not allowed?
Now it should work.[/q]

The file was apparently too big, so I deleted a chunk of the older stuff. Apparently I play the game too much :)

Please use the new PlayerEditor and set the "StolenCar" to false and "Days if the police found the car" to 0. You found it under "Accident / Drunken".
Now i hope, you can buy a new car in cardealer.
Sorry, there is no other way.
Cool, thanks!

Re: Couple of bugs

Posted: Tue 2. Sep 2014, 18:10
by ok666
cheerynil wrote:First, when I go to relax in the harbor I get the following error message:

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name:source
Fixed. This will only happen if you start relaxing right before night time.

Re: Couple of bugs

Posted: Tue 2. Sep 2014, 21:12
by 4me4u
ok666 wrote:
cheerynil wrote:First, when I go to relax in the harbor I get the following error message:

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name:source
Fixed. This will only happen if you start relaxing right before night time.

I got the same error message as well on the exact same location.

Noticed I also had some girls with day and night scheme at the "yacht-location" I changed them all to "any time" instead, because I didn't knew if the yacht-location had a day-night scheme or not? But now it seems like it had.

I actually don't know exactly which locations that has a day & night schedule? So if you can list them it would be great, or list those that doesn't have one if that's easier instead.

I also got some strange error in my gamelog concerning strip clubs. Maybe the warnings are "harmless"? But anyway:
"Warning! Unable to find any suitable timeslots for agent on day Tuesday for StripclubLocation
Existing: 20:00:00-1.04:00:00
Open: 21:00:00-1.04:00:00, 07:00:00 hours / 5 workhours
Warning! Unable to find any suitable timeslots for agent on day Wednesday for StripclubLocation
Existing: 20:00:00-1.04:00:00
Open: 21:00:00-1.04:00:00, 07:00:00 hours / 5 workhours
Warning! Unable to find any suitable timeslots for agent on day Thursday for StripclubLocation
Existing: 20:00:00-1.04:00:00
Open: 21:00:00-1.04:00:00, 07:00:00 hours / 5 workhours"

Are there any action I should take to correct those messages?

Edit: Some more small bugs:
. In Prison after you have had sex you're starting all over from day 1 again. Tried it two times. First on day 4, then on day 3, and in both cases, I had to start all over from day 1 of my Prison sentence after the sex-scene.
. Also noticed that the only way to reduce cock-size is through the "player editor" it did not work in game-play.

Not a bug, but maybe some helpful info: In the editor, you also can change the game-settings on your current game from easy to either normal or hard. That was nice. :super:

Re: Couple of bugs

Posted: Wed 3. Sep 2014, 06:02
by tomcat0815
4me4u wrote:..
Noticed I also had some girls with day and night scheme at the "yacht-location" I changed them all to "any time" instead, because I didn't knew if the yacht-location had a day-night scheme or not? But now it seems like it had.
Relax by Yacht has no a day/night schema. It's only open at day from 6 -20.
I actually don't know exactly which locations that has a day & night schedule? So if you can list them it would be great, or list those that doesn't have one if that's easier instead.
I told you the locations with only open at day: School, University, CarDealer, Bank and Yacht in SeaPortLocation. All others have a day/night schema.
By Yacht i will make a notice for that.
. In Prison after you have had sex you're starting all over from day 1 again. Tried it two times. First on day 4, then on day 3, and in both cases, I had to start all over from day 1 of my Prison sentence after the sex-scene.
. Also noticed that the only way to reduce cock-size is through the "player editor" it did not work in game-play.
I will take a look for this. :zwinker:

EDIT: I found the bug in Prison and i fix it.
In PlayerEditor i change to increase/decrease the cock to 6 points.

Re: Couple of bugs

Posted: Wed 3. Sep 2014, 14:06
by 4me4u
tomcat0815 wrote:Relax by Yacht has no a day/night schema. It's only open at day from 6 -20.

I told you the locations with only open at day: School, University, CarDealer, Bank and Yacht in SeaPortLocation. All others have a day/night schema.
By Yacht i will make a notice for that.

EDIT: I found the bug in Prison and i fix it.
tomcat0815 wrote:In PlayerEditor i change to increase/decrease the cock to 6 points.
Yeah it works in the editor, but not in the game. (at the hospital) I just wanted you to know that.

Re: Couple of bugs

Posted: Wed 3. Sep 2014, 14:55
by ok666
4me4u wrote:I actually don't know exactly which locations that has a day & night schedule? So if you can list them it would be great, or list those that doesn't have one if that's easier instead.
It's quite easy: Everytime you visit a location and do an action there (relax, work, etc.) the girls are selected _based on the current game time_. So you only have to worry about location opening times. There are a few exceptions like harbor or hospital room, where the location is open all day, but action buttons will be disabled. Always remember, game time is the crucial factor.

You will get warnings in the log if location opening times conflict between girlpack and game, e.g.: Stripclub is only open at night, you will get a warning if the scene is set to day time. School is only open at day, you will get a warning if the scene is set to night (but not, if set to any time). You are on the safe side if you set your scenes to any time, but you could get a scene with broad daylight movies at night in the park.