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Reworking The girlpacks

Posted: Tue 5. Aug 2014, 00:53
by ShenTen
As i have mentioned once or twice before, i am in the process of reworking all the girlpacks that i have (200+ girls) and i had actualy thought i would have been done last week, but unfortunatly i got ill, and ofcause something came up as well that killed the little time i had.. so i have now resumed my work, and if i dont get a relapse it should be up around monday 11th aug. i will try to get it finished for the weekend but i doubt i will be able to.

My work is focused on index, rating and difficulty of the girls. so a low level girl will be easy to "win", but for the 10's you need to pack pretty much everything the game allows you to. this is because i want it to feel more like a game and less like a movie player. allso the girls have been all seperated individualy and given correct stats, (age, astrological sign and so on. some scenes have been moved to another location, edited and unfortunatly some have had to be deleted, because even searching several forums and downloading multiple versions of the same girl pack some video's where corrupted.

i will try to make a torrent of the packs (if i can, i never made a torrent before) once i have tested and played everything, and mega as well probaly.. so check back around the end of the weekend if you want to up your game...

links will be posted, once they are up and running.