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Possible Suggestion for New Changes

Posted: Mon 27. Jan 2014, 20:39
by google123
I have too many girlpacks to make sure all my girlpacks are compatible with the new changes

Is it possible to have either

1) standardize all the girlpacks so that it is future proof?
a) the name of locations are general enough so that even if you change the name of the location on the game, the girlpacks are still compatible
b) If certain value is not specific (e.g. Time of Day or Race or whatever you have in mind for the future), the program assumes it is applied at general level (i.e. if Time of Day is not set to "Day" or "Night" specifically, program assumes it is both "Day and Night") or (If Race is set to none, it assumes both White and Black) or (if condom is not set to "ON", the program automatically assume all the other options as "Not On").


2) have a separate menu where you can view what locations are listed on the girlpack file and what scenes are actually loaded on the game

So basically have two columns. The first column is all the scene location I would see on the Scoreville Editor and second column is all the location where the girl is available for a talk/sex on game (that way, it's easy for user to locate the girlpack that needs fixing)

Re: Possible Suggestion for New Changes

Posted: Mon 27. Jan 2014, 21:08
by ok666
google123 wrote:b) If certain value is not specific (e.g. Time of Day or Race or whatever you have in mind for the future), the program assumes it is applied at general level (i.e. if Time of Day is not set to "Day" or "Night" specifically, program assumes it is both "Day and Night") or (If Race is set to none, it assumes both White and Black) or (if condom is not set to "ON", the program automatically assume all the other options as "Not On").
1. As explained in the other posting, "SceneTime" is not really needed, it's only used to favor a certain set of scenes suited for the game time.
2. "Condom" is used to check for this specific item in your inventory. If a scene is set to use a condom and you haven't got any, tough luck.
3. "Partner" has to match your player's type at the moment.
google123 wrote:I have too many girlpacks to make sure all my girlpacks are compatible with the new changes
I know the feeling. That's why I wrote a new program called Scoreville.Lister at the weekend to show all important girl/scene properties of all girlpacks in one nice table. You will be able to sort them at your leisure. Double-clicking a girl/scene will start the editor.

Re: Possible Suggestion for New Changes

Posted: Mon 27. Jan 2014, 22:19
by google123
That's why I wrote a new program called Scoreville.Lister at the weekend to show all important girl/scene properties of all girlpacks in one nice table. You will be able to sort them at your leisure. Double-clicking a girl/scene will start the editor.
I don't understand how to start this Scoreville.lister. Is this a standalone program or is this embedded in the game or is this embedded in Scoreville Editor

Also, I noticed "Clean-Up Girlpack" on Scoreville Editor (under tools). Checked the change log, can't find anything about it. I have no idea what it does.

Re: Possible Suggestion for New Changes

Posted: Tue 28. Jan 2014, 05:53
by ok666
google123 wrote:I don't understand how to start this Scoreville.lister. Is this a standalone program or is this embedded in the game or is this embedded in Scoreville Editor
This will be a new program, available in the next release.
google123 wrote:Also, I noticed "Clean-Up Girlpack" on Scoreville Editor (under tools). Checked the change log, can't find anything about it. I have no idea what it does.
If you are creating a new girlpack the complete directory structure to the media files is stored within the pack (to find the data). Later on the video will be read from the pack, so the path is no longer needed. This new function will remove all directory information from a saved girlpack. The resulting file will be smaller, the more scenes it contains, the smaller.

Pro tip: Look for the tooltip on the menu item, I added them to all entries.

Re: Possible Suggestion for New Changes

Posted: Thu 30. Jan 2014, 14:37
by 4me4u
ok666 wrote:If you are creating a new girlpack the complete directory structure to the media files is stored within the pack (to find the data). Later on the video will be read from the pack, so the path is no longer needed. This new function will remove all directory information from a saved girlpack. The resulting file will be smaller, the more scenes it contains, the smaller.
So if I run a clean up on the selected girlpack, is it then 100% safe to delete the corresponding folder(s) no matter if I later edit, or adding new scenes to the selected girlpack? Or importing it to a twogirlspack? If yes, that would save me lots of space. Because until now I have all my root folders + all the girlpacks saved on my hard drive. And that takes up lots of space. So if I can delete the root folders without worrying about if the girlpack will work or not later on, that would be great. Will you also create a similar clean up for twogirlspack as well? Please, do. :respekt:

Re: Possible Suggestion for New Changes

Posted: Thu 30. Jan 2014, 16:57
by ok666
Both game and editor work this way when playing a video file from a girlpack: If the stored media path matches a physical file on disk, the physical file is used. If the stored media path was cleaned (or the physical file was removed), use the girlpack for playing. So: Yes, you can delete the individual video files after saving a girlpack.

A word of advice: Don't delete the files just yet, move them to another location to break the correlation between media path and source file. Check the girlpack in the editor and see if the videos play. I opened a thread in the bug-report forum to look out for editor bugs, because I've seen some very rare cases where girlpacks where broken after saving them.

[edit] To be clear, the clean-up function only shortens the media path. The physical files won't be deleted, that's up to you. The resulting girlpack will be a little bit smaller, the more files it contains, the smaller it gets. If you have a 1 GiB girlpack with only 5 positions you won't notice that much. :zahn:

Re: Possible Suggestion for New Changes

Posted: Thu 30. Jan 2014, 18:01
by 4me4u
OK. Thanks for the clarification. I will delete the folders after some double checking and with caution. ;)
(Did a clean up on a 8.34 gig file... It came out the same size afterwards, but the girlpack worked nevertheless, so a nice little addition to save up HD space) :super:

Re: Possible Suggestion for New Changes

Posted: Thu 30. Jan 2014, 18:18
by ok666
4me4u wrote:It came out the same size afterwards
If you keep your files in, say, "d:\sv\bj.avi", you will only get 6 bytes per scene and "bj.avi" is stored in the girlpack. You will gain more if you have a deeply nested directory structure.

But of course you can delete the orginal files after creating a girlpack. If you release it to others they only have this girlpack, all data contained in a single file.