Editor Save bug?

Moderator: ok666

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Editor Save bug?

Post by SigM »

I have been making adjustments to many girlpacks in the last few days, to fix all the warning flags (e.g. image too large, common scene with no IDs, etc.)

On a few occasions, I've not been able to save the change. The save button has not turned green, but remains grey and flat. Reloading the girlpack solves the problem, but of course I have to repeat the action, as my change was not saved. Since my fix was simple, this has not been a big deal. If I had done a lot of work, perhaps it would be frustrating.

Has anyone else seen this? Is this new?
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Re: Editor Save bug?

Post by ok666 »

You can always save your girlpack, the color of the button does not matter. There are two menu items ("Save" and "Save as"), too.

As to the colorization: It should turn green if you edit any scene and choose "OK". The color will also change if you rearrange or remove scenes/phrases/interests. Changing the main personal data of a girl will _not_ change the color, though.