proposed pack format change

Moderator: ok666

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proposed pack format change

Post by spambox60 »


I've been playing this game off and on for a while. Thanks.

A while back I started working on my own girlpacks and found the potentially extremely large girlpack and twogirlpack files to be cumbersome and slow - almost to the point of being unusable. Saves take too long as well as extracting and import. It gets worse as the files get larger. A pack with 5 or 6 scenes just becomes too hard to work with, especially with higher quality video - to the point that I gave up. I am wondering if you've considered or would be open to an entirely different approach to the *pack file format?

Rather than one monolithic file, essentially I would propose a directory structure containing the files/packs for each girl/girls. The root folder would be the girl, then sub folders for each scene which then contain the raw video files. Meta-data about each folder/file would be in each folder as needed - all of which comprise a "pack" for that girl(s). E.g.


In addition to making packs easier to create, they become MUCH easier to upgrade and add additional scenes etc. without having to save and otherwise deal with a HUGE monolithic file.

As far as the single file or multiple file upload/downloads the directory structure can still be tarred/zipped/rarred etc.

I am a developer with over 20 years experience and 10+ in C#. I wouldn't have a lot of time to put into this, but I would be willing to work on the feature/change if you would be open to the mod. I think existing packs could easily be converted to the new format.
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Re: proposed pack format change

Post by ok666 »

There are some cons to your suggestion: Such an open/exposed structure can easily get corrupted. Files get lost or additional files are added. Releasing a new girlpack would mean packing it together using ZIP or RAR, unpacking could get problematic with the Average Joe.

We discussed another approach internally: Have several (smaller) girlpacks with the same girl and combine them on load using the girl's unique ID. This was put on hold because there are packs out there with clearly different girls, but the same ID.
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Re: proposed pack format change

Post by spambox60 »

Yes smaller packs that can be combined for the same girl would be great. In fact when the "id" (GUID) was introduced some time back, that's what I thought it would be for. But again, I couldn't use the same GUID in different girlpacks in the editor - which sent me down that path in my proposal above. As it is, I've also seen different packs for the same girl but with different ids/GUIDs.

How about a "generate id" (GUID) for a new girl, then that GUID can be copy/pasted into multiple packs for the same girl. Of course pack makers would have to understand what the id/GUID is and how to properly use it. Additionally older packs (i.e. different packs with the same girl, would have to be updated with the proper GUID in order to work properly). Then, yes have the program combine all the the packs/scenes etc. for the same girl according to GUID.

Can we make that happen? Again I could work on it if you're open to it (but I don't have much time... so it could take a while).