Consolidation of girlpacks...

Moderator: ok666

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Consolidation of girlpacks...

Post by belial78 »

First off, I wanna thank you guys for a great job.

With the Scoreville Lister you're able resolve possible duplicates, which is fine. Although it just resolves ID no. duplicates, which means it issues a different ID tag to the one in conflict. As a result you end up with two girlpacks of the same girl by the same author.

My suggestion is this; is it possible to consolidate the girlpacks that has conflicting ID no.? Of course only those with the same girl and author.
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Re: Consolidation of girlpacks...

Post by ok666 »

Well, therein lies the problem: Which girlpacks are identical? There are some older packs out there where the same ID is used for different girls. Also, the new packs of ShenTen have different girl names (e.g. "Yumi (1)" instead of just "Yumi").

I can provide you with hints (do you need more?), but you have to clean-up your girlpacks manually.
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Re: Consolidation of girlpacks...

Post by belial78 »

So what is the easiest way to do it manually? Got any tricks?
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Re: Consolidation of girlpacks...

Post by ok666 »

- Remove the obvious duplicates (e.g. "Yumi" and "Yumi (1)")
- Combine girlpacks of same girl (e.g. the 2 Alexis Texas packs out there) by saving girlscenes in one pack and importing them in the other
- Set a new girl ID, if remaining packs are clearly different